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Master of Advanced Studies in Oral Implantology

Steering Committee and Head of Program

Quality Assurance

The Master of Advanced Studies is a part-time, university-based continuing education program with the aim of providing dentists with in-depth theoretical knowledge in the field of oral implantology and related specialties. 

The Faculty of Medicine exercises supervision over the study programs. The study programs are subject to the quality requirements of the University of Zurich.

The Steering Committee

The graduates of the class of 2023 with the members of the steering committee.

The Steering Committee of the Continuing Education Program in Oral Implantology is elected for four years at a time and decides on all major issues related to the program. In addition to research and scientific staff at the University of Zurich, the Steering Committee is also complemented by experts in the field of oral implantology. 

The members of the steering committee: 

  • Prof. Dr. med. dent. Ronald Jung, PhD - Clinic Director of the Clinic of Reconstructive Dentistry, Clinic of  Reconstructive Dentistry, University of Zurich - President of the Steering Committee
  • Prof. Dr. med. dent. Daniel Thoma - Head of Oral Implantology, Clinic of Reconstructive Dentistry, University of Zurich - Head of Study Program
  • PD Dr. med. dent. Nadja Nänni - Head of Postgraduate Education, Clinic of Reconstructive Dentistry, University of Zurich
  • Prof. Dr. med. Dr. med. dent. Harald Essig, Director of Department ad interim
    Senior Attending Physician, Department of Cranio-Maxillo-Facial and Oral Surgery, University Hospital Zürich
  • Prof. Dr. med. dent Irena Sailer, Hon Prof. (U Aarhus) -Director, Department of Oro-Facial Rehabilitation;
    Chair, Division of Fixed Prosthodontics and Biomaterials, Clinic of Dental Medicine,
    University of Geneva
  • Dr. med. dent Christian Ramel - Specialist  for Reconstructive Dentistry, Zahnärzte am Rennweg, Zurich



The Head of Program

Prof. Dr. med. dent. Daniel Thoma 

After successfully completing his dental studies at the University of Basel and several years in private practice, Prof. Dr. Daniel Thoma completed a structured, three-year advanced training course in reconstructive dentistry at the Clinic for Reconstructive Dentistry and Material Science (RZM) of the University of Zurich. With a scholarship from the International Team of Implantology (ITI), he spent a year in 2007 in the Department of Periodontics at the University of Texas Health Science Center in San Antonio, USA, with Prof. Dr. David Cochran. This laid the foundation for his impressive scientific career, which is characterized by numerous publications in renowned journals.

In 2013, he hobtained his habilitation and was appointed adjunct professor of Reconstructive Dentistry and Implantology in February 2020 by Prof. Michael Hengartner, then Rector of the University of Zurich. His contribution to the further development of existing treatment concepts in clinical practice is also noteworthy. Based on his research findings and the work of other researchers in the field, significant improvements have been achieved in the treatment of patients in need of dental reconstructions.

Prof. Dr. Daniel Thoma maintains extensive contacts with researchers at various universities and, for example, was a visiting researcher from 2016 to 2017 at the renowned Yonsei University in Seoul, Korea. In addition to his intensive research activities, he is actively involved in the education of students and the advanced training of assistants at the RZM Clinic. He is widely regarded as a highly competent clinician and also holds numerous positions in professional organizations such as the SSO, SSRD, EAO and the Osteology Foundation.